I hope Heaven has humor!!

I hope Heaven has humor!!
Our Family 2010

My Crazy wonderful Family

My Crazy wonderful Family

Monday, December 28, 2009

December Fun

Christmas was so fun this year with all the grandkids, it's all about making memories. . .

Christmas is about being with the ones you love!

Kandice's hair

If you are wondering why Kandice's hair is brown now. Well she is dancing with the Fab five for a while. No she is not a Whitear even though she looks like one, alot now! she is still a Fowers sorry Shayne I mean an Anderson. But I love the Whitears so she can have them as her second family!

Kandice and Cambria have started a dance studio together this year. They have changed the name to K & C Fab five. They are doing well and I am so proud of both of them. YOU GO GIRLS!!


I am so thankful for my family! I love them dearly. Thanksgiving was fun Taylor has us all hooked on playing this dice game that I call "Oh Crap" there is alot of other names for it too! but it's way fun.
Little Rue and Taylie had a great time together they are adorable.

Reagan and her pink car

Reagan is pretty cool in her little pink hot rod

Antelope Island

This was at the balloon festival at Antelope Island this year. But you know what the funny thing was. There was no balloons!
It was fun anyway being with mom and dad, Kandice and little Rue.

4 generations pic. Uncle Brexton and Little Rue.
My mom, me, Shalie and Taylie. How cute!

4 generation pic with Grandpa and grandma.

Fun Pics

Aunt Kandice and little Reagan
Little smiley face Reagan
Landon loves cars!

Crazy, Crazy family.

We had a contest on Halloween to see who could make the best

haunted house out of chocolate bars.

-I think they all turned out kind of scary looking if you know what I mean!

Taylor's had the orange halfs tomb stones,
Mine had the pretty sparkle's on the roof ha, ha! Shayne's had the rope to hang someone out of licorice.
No matter how they turned out we had a good time making them. Shayne and Taylor are good sports to put up with their crazy mother in-law.

Halloween 2009, Reagan was a little Bumble bee and Landon a wild little Monkey, and Taylie was a little fairy, but she was happier just being Taylie,so off came the costume.
Okay, so I'm a slacker! it's been a while. But I do have a good excuse.
Busy, Busy, playing with those three adorable grandkids! They keep grandma Penny
running. But it's sooo fun!!
I have more cutiepatootie pics. so I'll get on with it.


Little Reagan


The little girl in the mirror

There's a little girl
in the mirror
who's looking at me
I smile at her
and she smiles back at me
I press my hand to the mirror
and her hand is pressed to mine
the little girl in the mirror
she knows what I know
sees what I see
feels what I feel
because that little girl in the mirror is actually me
By: Penny Fowers

Beautiful Trails